Bridget Phillipson Labour Member of Parliament for Houghton and Sunderland South
Houghton and Sunderland South MP, Bridget Phillipson is asking local people for their views on Government plans to introduce GP Commissioning.
Under the Government’s current proposals Primary Care Trusts – the organisation that currently plans local services and decides how the money is spent -; will be scrapped. They will be replaced by groups of GP Consortia who have the power to buy in services for their patients.
In response to outcry from the Royal College of GPs, the Royal College of Nursing, the British Medical Association and patient groups up and down the country; on 6th April 2011 Health Secretary Andrew Lansley announced a ‘pause’ in his planned re-organisation, until further consultation had been completed.
Bridget said:“I’ve received hundreds of letters from concerned residents – worried what these reforms will mean for the NHS in our area.
“Already, under this Tory-led government we are starting to see A & E waiting times go up, nurses and doctors losing their jobs and professional and patient groups call in to question the government’s competence on health.
“My survey gives local people an opportunity to have their say on GP Commissioning and what it could mean for NHS services in our local area.”